This is the thread for the buddy read starting this weekend! If you'd like to join us, we'll start reading on 1/13 and play it by ear from there!
I just started!!! It's good to know that it picks up so I don't judge it too early. Lol.
I'm finally where the good stuff starts to happen and mostly I just want to scream at Abby lol. Like, can't you tell something is SERIOUSLY wrong with your best friend?
70% in now and headed to bed. Shit got real. Lol. Why do I have the feeling that everything is going to go horribly wrong?
Yes! Hahaha. I laughed at the flyer for that Christian weight lifters group. SO GOOD. Those things really make a difference!
Did anyone else finish? I need to talk to someone about the ending lol. Ugh. I'm conflicted on this book.
I agree with everything you said Char, although I never EVER forgave this book for murdering Good Dog Max. My heart was freaking broken. The ending especially kind of just made me a little cranky. All this madness happens, people almost die, a dog DOES die, and then it's like yay we're best friends and we're still happy together! *sigh* I think the ending was a little too "YA" compared to everything else.
Hahaha I'm with you Char! My favorite ending is when everyone just gets to the end and then the book is like "AND THEN THEY ALL DIED".