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Discussion: 2018-04-12 - 2018-04-30: Spiritual Symbols - Nataša Pantović Nuit
posts: 14 views: 147 last post: 6 years ago
created by: Nataša Pantović
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Spiritual Symbols - Nataša Pantović Nuit
Reading start: 2018-04-12
Reading finish: 2018-04-30
Samadhi and Western Mysticism within Art
Self-Development, Spiritual Development, Alchemy of Love, Conscious Mind, Mindfulness, Online Life Coaching, Symbols and Signs, meditation
Worshiping Silence following the Mastery of the World’s Best Mystics we can touch Samadhi... by Nuit
What happens when you find a perfect note? What happens when you experience Samadhi listening to the perfect sound or observing a perfect painting?
What happens when your consciousness expand to such an extend that it is blessed by divine, unexplainable, most subtle beauty?

in search of perfection full article by Nataša Pantović Nuit
Core Beliefs work with mental and emotional body Mindfulness Training by Nuit

To read an Excerpt from my Conscious Creativity Book published in Sunday Times please go to
Mind Manipulation or "How to" or "Why" to Abusing our Drive for Goodness

Mind manipulation or the manipulation of thoughts and feelings has always been a big part of our day-to-day reality. It doesn't come to any free-man as a surprise that manipulating our drive for goodness, many giants' marketing campaigns use...

Conscious Living

The Laika Theatre Group, based in Antwerpen, Belgium, uses food to look at the changes and struggles our souls face in a typical “fast-food” industrial society, the modern day workers and consumers exploitation, done by fast food giants, the likes of Mc-Donald and KFC.

Directly engaging the audience, the stage was designed around us, the actors and singers were dancing, running, flying so we can fully sympathize with their troubles. A suffocated worker, or a fish farm cruelty, sterilized cloths, face-less silver of a Cantina, a painfully soul-less world that knows not of Beauty. In Spain a ‘cantina’ is a bar near the railway station where you can have a quick snack, in Serbia ‘cantina’ is a University's or a large factory's restaurant where one can find cheap lunch each day. In Belgium, where a Theater Group Laika comes from, ‘kantine’ would be a cheerless space where people eat communally...
We intuitively use Poetry to Heal or express Joy! Using poetry as a spiritual tool

Why Spiritual Poetry?
by Nuit
Applying the Alchemy of Love wisdom within the sphere of spiritual Growth we acknowledge that yin and yang forces within Gaia play an important role of how we “tap” into humanity’s for 1,000s of years executed patterns, do we do it with a “positive” charge or with a “negative” one.

Pure Logic and Wisdom Together in Unity, might help our journey, Yin and Yang Poem from Art of 4 Elements, Nuit

Listening to our resonating souls we can either enter a spiral of negativity, medically called “depression” or enter into a contact with elements allowing Poetry, the Ocean or Gaia to heal us.

Conscious Living
The Humanity / Gaia’s Unconsciousness is Unavoidable Part of our Family Lives by Nuit, the Author of A-Ma
Yin and Yang Balance in Ancient China
Gaia’s environment is at all times either positively or negatively charged.
Following the quantum physic logic, these states change randomly but in a typical cycle are randomly distributed within the 50% - 50% ration. This greatly puzzled our ancestors and Chinese, for example, while researching this phenomenon have created Calendars mapping all sorts of “Heavenly” influences on Human Behavior.
Building their wisdom system, using both Intuitive Thought (meditation) as an expression of Yin predominant states of Being and Reason as an expression of Yang predominant states of Being, they have created the most amazing Calendars that listen to the heart-beat of Universe and elements (within their system they are 5 in number). They have designed a diet whereby each item of food is related to the state of health called Macrobiotics; or within the relationship world the exchange of female and male energy is referred to as Tao of Love, and their ancient Confucius thought gave their children a strong drive for goodness....
music for the soul
Was Punt Malta?

Was Punt Malta

Could it be that the Land of Punt was Ancient Malta?
Eti Queen & Ancient Egypt Earliest ever Recorded Sea Voyage to the Sacred Land of Punt

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AoL Mindfulness training books, Spiritual fiction and nonfiction
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[book:Spiritual Symbols and their Meanings]
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[book: Mindful Eating]
Power of Subconsciousness
Why is subconscious mind an Amoeba covered in Mold
If subconscious mind is more powerful than conscious how to live Consciously?
an article by Nuit

The subconscious mind is an integral part of the mind that modern psychologists acknowledge as an invisible layer of human consciousness. My research suggests a form of an amoeba rather than a layer, a hermaphrodite, morphed amoeba that in some of its manifestations is covered in mold. I’ll tell you in a minute why… The subconscious mind patterns are programmed by repetition, soul-to-soul contacts and deep emotions. If the emotion is “fear” we run a risk of raising a child that will not properly develop Own-Self but stay in the shadows of the Parents’ Will-Power, or a solder that stays overpowered with his King who consciously or subconsciously wishes him to stay mentally and emotionally weak, so he can kill for his King.

In North Eastern Hellas about the 6th century BC appeared a beautiful teaching both ascetic and Gaia conscious. Orpheus believed the soul to be divine, aspiring freedom, imprisoned on Earth by the wheel of birth. The soul is on an endless journey, as the companion of many incarnated men and animals

Mystical Christianity Alpha and Omega
of Ancient Christian Papyrus found in Egypt 2nd Century AC within Mummy Cases Power of Mind, Articles, Symbols and Signs
Mystical Christianity
#research by Nuit
The Humanity has circumstances - read reason for every single set of consciousness manifestations within this amazing forever evolving Universe. 

The Gospel of John 200AD found as an Ancient Egyptian manuscript written in Greek within an ancient Egyptian mummy’s grave
"Diet and exercise alone are like a two-legged stool,” says Dr. Redford Williams, Duke University. "It's more stable with the third leg, stress management." "ART OF STRESS-FREE LIVING" is your third leg.
9 Mindfulness, Spiritual and Personal Development Books / Courses FREE to Download on Fridays
through Amazon

Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Series

Artof4Elements launched the Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Series - AoL - of 9 fiction and non-fiction books focusing on spiritual growth, creativity and mindfulness. A series of many genres, including poetry, personal development, true-story fiction, historical fiction, the world of AoL explores numerous self-development themes.

Best Life Transformation Books, Self 'Help Books that actually Help, Change your Behavior Goodreads List with Alchemy of Love Mindfulness Training Books as voted by Goodreads users end 2017.

AoL Mindfulness life-transformation-books-lists

Using a variety of self-development tools from other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, neuroscience, to helping people identify and achieve personal goals. AoL is a spiritual not religious endeavor that uses life-coaching tools from various philosophers, gurus and sages of our past and present...
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