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Discussion: As censorship plagues Goodreads, what will happen next?
posts: 12 views: 532 last post: 11 years ago
created by: Robert Edward
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It appears that there is a mass switch going on. People are flooding into sites like booklikes to avoid further censorship. Not only are people not using their Goodreads account. They are also wiping their account entirely!

Is this going to continue to happen?

Is this going to get bigger?

Will book like follow in GR's footsteps?
I haven't wiped my account fully...I considered it after a few of my reviews were deleted but it's still a huge resource for book info. I won't post anymore reviews there though.
I've heard of so many people doing the same thing.

I think it would be interesting to look at Goodreads data on a timeline and see the drastic change in reviews and users. It would be stifling from an outside view point.

Centuries from now, spacemen will look over what happened here. And all they'll know is that something big and sudden must have happened.
Reply to post #3 (show post):

I've been periodically tracking Booklikes' Alexa rating. On Oct. 2, it was:

Oct. 2
Global ~ 105,175
US ~ 28,767

Today it's:

Oct. 30
Global ~ 65,245
US ~ 16,627

That's a pretty huge jump!
Wow! That's a huge jump!

Does the Alexa rating have a histogram for sites?
Reply to post #5 (show post):

I don't know that much about how Alexa tracks sites or even how accurate it is. The only thing I do is look at the numbers. You could check it out, though.

People are getting comfortable here in BL, but I don't think they have given up on GR completely yet. It's the best book information source around that I know of. I think most of us are still fighting the battle. Alexa also shows that GR is not suffering from attention in the slightest.

I personally deleted two out of three GR's accounts - Vanilla (Mainstream) and Children's Books, leaving only LGBT fiction.
Reply to post #7 (show post):

The interesting thing that I just learned is that Booklikes only debuted last spring. I thought it was a few years old.

I think it may take years to see how all of this shakes out. As Booklikes grows, it may become greater competition for GRs.

Even if it doesn't, I'm really happy here and I pretty much only use GRs because I'm in established groups.
I don't see anyone stopping them or enough people applying pressure to GR so, yeah I think it's going to continue and I firmly believe they will find ways to make it worse (or better in their minds).

And I'm with Booklikes for now, but I won't be even a bit surprised if they follow GR's example in 1-2 years. The internet is not a place for freedom etc. like we still like to think. There are ways to hide, lower the probability of someone finding them, or delete information that doesn't 'physically' exist with few people knowing about it. Short of a website of your own (and even then there are ways), there are no guarantees. We are just products and they make sure we will be their consumers as well.
Irony - Alexa ratings are a subsiduary of Amazon!
BTW if you want an internet site with freedom the very first we used many years ago, Cix, is still a great and independent community. One of the users now runs it. Well worth checking out, and brilliant threading of messages with a wide variety of topics, you can start and moderate your own and the variety of people is enormous too.
that's great!

thanks for the heads up!
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