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Discussion: P.D. James
posts: 10 views: 403 last post: 12 years ago
created by: The Butler Did It
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I'm starting Shroud for a Nightingale because it is our public library's book discussion book for November. I don't think I've ever read it all the way through. I saw the title "Agatha Christie's Crown Princess" given to P.D. James and I've also read that she much preferred Dorothy Sayers to Agatha Christie. Any P.D. James fans here?
I'm about halfway through Shroud for a Nightingale and I remember why I prefer Agatha Christie to P.D. James. P.D. James writes in a much heavier style. I do like her work and I think she's a brilliant writer but not nearly as quick or easy or comforting a read as AC.
I do like P. D. James a lot -- better than Christie, to be honest, although you're right that she isn't as quick or as easy a read.

Shroud for a Nightingale is one of my favorites, although I do like Cover Her Face quite a bit.
I read recently that P.D. James did not like to be compared to Christie because she didn't consider her a good writer. She much preferred to be compared to Dorothy Sayers. I thought she was probably right in that comparison.
I would certainly say that Sayers was a better writer than Christie, not that I don't like Christie.
I would agree that Sayers is a more skilled writer but these things always come down to personal taste, don't they? I love both but Christie is my favorite. Both of them are so good compared to some of the rubbish that is out there that I almost hate to choose between them.
I like Christie, but love Sayers. (Though to be honest, I've given a couple of her books, where the muse was sleeping, lower ratings than I've ever given Christie.)
I just got back from the book discussion group at the public library where we discussed Shroud for a Nightingale. I do believe I was the only P.D. James fan there. Many of the people said they didn't even finish it because they just couldn't get into it. I was very surprised! I wrote my review here.
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I'm surprised to hear that as well. "One person's meat -- another person's maggots" and all that, but still ... So what did they say prevented them from "getting into" the book in the first place?
Most of them said it was just too heavy. Too hard to read. Too much detail and too many characters. And these are mostly people that I would say are in their 60s and 70s so not young'uns who are use to texttalk and MTV. It makes me wonder what they usually read if they consider P.D. James difficult.
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