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Discussion: Follow Me If You Like...Mystery/Suspense/Thrillers
posts: 6 views: 362 last post: 11 years ago
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I often read in spurts of one genre or another -- so what you'll find on my blog at any given time may not reflect any particular genre or interest -- but authors I've read in these categories include Agatha Christie, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Ellery Queen, John Grisham, Arthur Conan Doyle, and many others. So if they aren't on my blog/shelf now, they will be sooner or later.
These are many of the same authors I post about along with modern cozies, police procedurals, thrillers, etc. Mysteries are definitely my favorite genre!
Yes! Mysteries of all kinds -- Golden Age, noir and neo-noir, modern, historical, foreign, domestic ... bring 'em on, I'll read them all. Golden Age, noir, and historical mysteries are among my particular favorites, along with any- and everything set in the American Southwest, Scotland, Scandinavia/Northern Europe, and ancient China (read: Judge Dee). All of which however, I guess, only brings us back to: "bring 'em on, I'll read them all!" :)
I'm also huge on mysteries, from Golden Age to hardboiled/noir to historical. I also love genre-crossing mysteries that drift into fantasy/scifi/historical territory. I read far more mysteries than I review, mainly because I like a lot of the longrunning series, and I'm always on the lookout for more. I have a tendency to pick a mystery writer and read (literally) everything they ever wrote. Authors: Elizabeth Peters, Ruth Downie, Ellis Peters, Dorothy Gilman, Arthur Conan Doyle, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L Sayers, Ngaio Marsh, Raymond Chandler, Michael Connelly, Jonathan Kellerman, Walter Mosley, John Mortimer, and quite a few others.
I like mysteries. I have a particular weakness for historical and "Golden Age" mysteries, but also like modern mysteries. Favorite authors include: Dorothy L. Sayers, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, C.J. Sansom, Agatha Christie, Robert B. Parker, Rex Stout, Laurie R. King, Margery Allingham, Gary Corby, Richard North Patterson, Elizabeth Peters...
Lately I've been reading other stuff because I've been trying to widen my genres, but my home will always be a nice mystery. I started reading Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie as a kid, and that was it, I fell in love :)
I'm glad to have found this group, I'm following you now!
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