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To Rise Again - Kelly Libsack
To Rise Again
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Eighteen-years-old and freshly graduated senior. Just won an all-expenses paid trip to England. The opposite sex seemingly attached to your hips. BEST ROAD TRIP EVER...except for the part where you're being taken over by an evil ancient spirit. Shane had the life--successful high school athlete... show more
Eighteen-years-old and freshly graduated senior. Just won an all-expenses paid trip to England. The opposite sex seemingly attached to your hips. BEST ROAD TRIP EVER...except for the part where you're being taken over by an evil ancient spirit. Shane had the life--successful high school athlete about to start college with an athletic scholarship. Good-looking kid. Happy home life. Good friends. Sexually frustrated...I know, I know, typical teenage guy, right? Except it's not his inner conscience keeping him in line, but a secondary entity within that won't let the guy even think of stepping out of line. He's learned to deal with the nagging over the years, but when he wins a trip to England, the entity begins doing more than just making him queasy. He's becoming aggressive, and when Shane begins blacking out, he awakes to learn he's done a few things he shouldn't have, things he has no memory of doing. But the worst part of all is that this all expenses paid road trip really wasn't luck, but a trap to bring him near Stonehenge at a pivotal point in time. Little does he know, Shane plays a vital role in the awakening of a dark spirit long lost, and that his new romantic interest must play a deadly part as well.
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Format: kindle
Pages no: 190
Edition language: English
Series: To Rise Again
Books by Kelly Libsack
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