In an alternate 1980s, half-demon Shadow is a dedicated member of New York's most famous superhero team. But a traumatic past has left them scarred both inside and out, and they spend just as much energy concealing their wounds as taking down criminals. Stranded on a distant planet, they seek...
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In an alternate 1980s, half-demon Shadow is a dedicated member of New York's most famous superhero team. But a traumatic past has left them scarred both inside and out, and they spend just as much energy concealing their wounds as taking down criminals. Stranded on a distant planet, they seek death- instead, they encounter street-kid superheroine Bean Liberty. With her unstoppable optimism and quirky spunk, Bean is everything that's been missing from Shadow's life. When Bean's talents put her in danger, Shadow is forced to choose between their secrets and their soulmate.
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