This book delves into the history of Gotham and the four families. An interesting one to read around the time that the TV series "Gotham" just finished an arc involving one of the historical Gotham family's feud with the Waynes. In this story, it's not so much a feud with Wayne, but a historical Go...
Also. Ich mag es ja schon. Die Geschichte ist gar nicht so unineressant, und inzwischen hab ich sogar eien emotionale Verbindung zu manchen Charakteren? Aber alles ist auch sooooo unübersichtlich. Diese Zeitsprünge… und wieder sehr verwirrend aufgebaute Seiten. Und dazu ein paar Tropes die ich echt ...
As the super hero strike continues a new threat looms in Chicago prompting the Mayor to reconsider his position. Where have these new villains come from and what are their motives? Will the C.O.W.L members continue to maintain strike lines or cross over to defend the city and risked being labeled...
There are some serious issues with the story here. The most obvious is the way that the narrative jumps around constantly, seemingly at random. So on one page you may be reading a scene with Chase that happened a month ago, the next you're reading the battle scene that's happening "now". Which makes...
I am going to take this as an object lesson in buying comics before I've read them.