You wanna know who's deplorable? These writers. These writers, they wrote these stories about me, and they're not nice. Not even a little bit. Look, I know I'm a famous guy. Probably the most famous guy on the planet. I mean let's face it. I am the single most talked about human being in the...
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You wanna know who's deplorable? These writers. These writers, they wrote these stories about me, and they're not nice. Not even a little bit. Look, I know I'm a famous guy. Probably the most famous guy on the planet. I mean let's face it. I am the single most talked about human being in the history of forever. History of writing. And of course they'd wanna write about me. Why wouldn't they? So they did, but none of it’s nice.My lawyers tell me I should sue. And I should. They wrote the most horrible, horrible fabrications about me. And they can't write. None of them can. They can't write. It's a disaster the way they write. You’ve read my tweets. I know how to write. They just try to put a lot more words together to make it sound good, but it’s not. It's so bad. It's a total disaster.
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