The initial box-office success of Unbroken: Survival, Resilience, Redemption has sparked interest across the country in the film’s protagonist, Louis Zamperini. In director Angelina Jolie’s treatment, Zamperini’s story is told through sweeping cinematography and skillful use of close-ups and...
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The initial box-office success of Unbroken: Survival, Resilience, Redemption has sparked interest across the country in the film’s protagonist, Louis Zamperini. In director Angelina Jolie’s treatment, Zamperini’s story is told through sweeping cinematography and skillful use of close-ups and panoramic shots. However, many people may find themselves asking: Who is Louis Zamperini? To answer briefly, he was a World War II combat veteran, an Olympic athlete, and a man of honor. These brief descriptors, however, do not do justice as to the myriad reasons why Zamperini deserves our respect as well as our remembrance.
In this spectacular read, Groeneveld explains why Unbroken: Survival, Resilience, Redemption has been such an outstanding filme. Groeneveld is clear an articulate as she shares her insight with us. Don't miss your chance now. Check this quick read today, and find out why Unbroken has captured the hearts and people everywhere!
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