Flint residents have been divided on the topic of the Land Bank since its inception eleven years ago. However, many of the Land Bank naysayers seem to be laboring under misunderstanding, or have been unduly influenced by erroneous or missing information. The Genesee County Land Bank is good for...
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Flint residents have been divided on the topic of the Land Bank since its inception eleven years ago. However, many of the Land Bank naysayers seem to be laboring under misunderstanding, or have been unduly influenced by erroneous or missing information. The Genesee County Land Bank is good for Flint. As the city struggles to reinvent itself in the wake of the apocalyptic destruction left behind by G. M. plant shutdowns, and the fires of 2010, the Land Bank has been there in the background, doing what it does best and giving back to the city at the same time.
Do you know about the Land Bank issue? The city of Flint has been deemed the most violent and dangerous city in the nation in three consecutive years. Known for economic turmoil, many people turn their angerr and deception to the Land Bank in Flint.
In this brief essay Groeneveld shares with us her conclusive studies in regards to the bank. She shares how the bank actually is not the reason for Flint's many problems, but is striving to correct each of them.
Check it out today!
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