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Unholy Magic - Community Reviews back

by Stacia Kane, Bahni Turpin
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dija's reading corner
dija's reading corner rated it 13 years ago
Thoughts before reading:I'm going to give this series one more chance, for this and this alone:“Readers have the right to say whatever the fuck they want about a book. Period. They have that right. If they hate the book because the MC says the word “delicious” and the reader believes it’s the Devil’...
VeganCleopatra rated it 13 years ago
I really enjoyed the second installment of the Downside Ghosts series. Chess is a great character despite her major flaws, such as drug abuse. She is tough despite her weakness for drugs, logical despite her brain being on drugs and is slowly waking to the person she can be. In the beginning of the ...
Library Liz·ard
Library Liz·ard rated it 13 years ago
Much better than the first novel, Chess is still a hot mess but I had way more sympathy for her this time around. Maybe because despite her reasons for being in the bind she's in (hello, major drug addition!) her childhood, which is hinted at here and there, has obviously SEVERELY scarred this girl...
Anna Bobs Her Hair - Silent Reader, Talking Books
Grade: B+ ...Intense, fast-paced, emotional! You ride all the highs and lows with Chess. There's murder, blackmail, manipulative drug lords, heartbreak, and the horrible monkey that rides the emotionally-scarred heroine's back. I can't wait to read City of Ghosts!Memorable QuoteThe little smile ...
Dispatches from Terabithia
Dispatches from Terabithia rated it 13 years ago
This book was painful to read. Heart-wrenchingly painful, to the degree that I had to seriously consider whether or not to finish reading it, because it was starting to seep into my daily life and really bring me down. And it wasn't just that it was painful; it was that Chess was doing it all to her...
Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings
Keertana @ Ivy Book Bindings rated it 13 years ago
This series just keeps getting better and better. The plot of Unholy Magic is scarier, creepier, and more dangerous than the plot of Unholy Ghosts ever was. Furthermore, Kane doesn't hesitate to portray her main character in a negative light. Most heroines are cast in a superficially perfect manner,...
So Many Books...So Little Time!
So Many Books...So Little Time! rated it 13 years ago
I'm as addicted to this series as Chess is addicted to her Cepts, or Nips, or Oozers, or whatever...
JennyJen rated it 13 years ago
Spoiler - free!This is one of those books that holds you in its tight grip and doesn't let you function properly in your everyday life. I neglected my family, friends, and pets for a little over 24hrs. Totally worth it. I like gritty books that don't hold punches and Kane is a maverick at taking you...
lorinelson95 rated it 13 years ago
Absolutely love this series!!!! So happy I discovered it. Totally obsessed and not have been this passionate about a book series for years. But I almost wish I kept to my rule of not starting series that are incomplete because the thought of WAITING for book four is quite daunting and with the holi...
Annie (Under the Covers Book Blog)
Annie (Under the Covers Book Blog) rated it 13 years ago
Holy. Hell. Wow.I’m warning you now. This is going to be a really crappy review. It’s going to be an I-love-Kane/will-you-marry-me-Terrible kind of review. But can you blame a girl?This book was so awesome. I am flying through this series and have only Stacia Kane to thank for this Terrible Fever I ...
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