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veterization - Community Reviews back

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Dreamer rated it 10 years ago
3.5 stars. A well-written slow-build steter fic. Peter manages to get under sixteen year old Stiles' skin until he can't get him out of his head. 'There he is, minding his own business in the shower when suddenly thoughts of Peter flit through his mind like somebody requested they be there and be ac...
DreZ Book Addict
DreZ Book Addict rated it 10 years ago
Again, the chemistry just wasn't there, and Derek's running off to Chicago without a word while Stiles was at prom was really kind of crappy. Then to not bother trying to get Stiles back, showing up at the graduation and just expecting Stiles to forgive him?! Stiles should have made him grovel!
DreZ Book Addict
DreZ Book Addict rated it 10 years ago
Seeing Derek and Stiles's relationship through Scott's eyes was funny and cute.
DreZ Book Addict
DreZ Book Addict rated it 10 years ago
Something was off with this one. It came across like Stiles was trying too hard and forcing the relationship with Derek so I never really felt any connection/chemistry between them.
DayDreamer rated it 10 years ago
Okay, I'm converted. Sort of. Enough to want to read more of this delicious creepiness.
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