Vierge de cuir
9782070401741 (207040174X)
Publish date: 2009
Publisher: Rocher
Edition language: French
Cason Statler kehrt als gescheiterte Existenz in seine Heimatstadt zurück. Einst war er ein angesehener Journalist, mittlerweile ist er froh, zumindest bei der Lokalzeitung eine Stelle zu haben. Dabei kommt er dem ungeklärten Verschwinden einer Studentin auf die Spur, was ihn endgültig aus den Angel...
I’m a long-time Lansdale fan. I haven’t read all of his stuff, and I haven’t been reading him “since the beginning,” but I started reading his stuff about 20 years ago, and I always enjoy his stories. He’s a gifted storyteller, and a good writer, to boot. He’s one of those writers who still enter...
Another solid thriller by Lansdale. Lansdale's characters usually dwell on the dark side of life and this novel is no exception.
has going for it Lansdale's typical whiskey-stained knuckle-popping sarcasm, and opens with great promise--a hardluck near-has-been reporter returns to his home town, picks up a crap gig at the local rag (which boasts a great character in its publisher/editor), and gets embroiled in a grotesquely ou...
For me, a Joe Lansdale novel is like a visit from that foul-mouthed uncle your parents wish you wouldn't talk to when he comes to family gatherings. The stories he tells are outside your normal sphere and often make you uncomfortable.Leather Maiden is about an Iraq war veteran who returns to his ho...