Vol. 2 THE ESSENTIAL MAXIMILLIEN DE LAFAYETTE: The Official Anunnaki Ulema Textbook for the Teacher and the Student (The Road to Enlightenment and Ultimate Knowledge)
Volume 2 (Final Part, 740 PAGES): THE ESSENTIAL MAXIMILLIEN DE LAFAYETTE is a synopsis of the 200 books, the author wrote on the subjects of the Anunnaki, the afterlife, the supernatural powers of the Anunnaki Ulema, the paranormal, the occult, parallel dimensions, multiple universes, the...
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Volume 2 (Final Part, 740 PAGES): THE ESSENTIAL MAXIMILLIEN DE LAFAYETTE is a synopsis of the 200 books, the author wrote on the subjects of the Anunnaki, the afterlife, the supernatural powers of the Anunnaki Ulema, the paranormal, the occult, parallel dimensions, multiple universes, the Conduit, the Supersymetric Mind, the Double, the Astral Body, communications with spirits and entities from the world beyond, the power of the mind, mediumship, channeling, the enlightenment, the Fourth Dimension, the Fifth Dimension, Earth energy, healing, the world outside time and space, extraterrestrials, time-travel, reading the future, and similar topics.This book is the very essence and core of the Ultimate Esoteric-Spiritual-Occult Secrets, Teachings and RevelationsThis is NOT a repetitious book. It was intentionally compiled from the most important concepts, theories, esoteric techniques, wisdom, Eastern philosophy, the world of the mystic seers “The Ulema”, and particularly the teaching of Maximillien de Lafayette. This series consists of 2 masive volumes, each exceeding 700 pages (50 MB). This manual is also the Official Anunnaki Ulema Textbook for the Teacher and the Student.De Lafayette wrote more than 800 books, 200 of them are in these fields. Consequently, it is quasi-impossible for the reader to purchase all these books. The present work contains knowledge, techniques and revelations, no other author has ever discussed, simply because they emerge from the teachings of the author’s Enlightened Masters and his own philosophy. Add to the fact, that no other author or researcher has ever approached these topics, simply because they were brought to the West, for the first time in history, from the author’s own vision and perspective. You will NOT find the material of this book in any other work, and/or in any library. As a matter of fact, the material of the present work (Volumes 1 and 2) is to a certain degree in sharp contrast with what it has been said or written in these fields. No one can claim that this book was inspired by or based upon any existing published book. It is a journey to new dimensions, and analysis of the physical and mental worlds as interpreted personally by the author. By Dina Vittantonio, Editor.The contents of this volume include:HEALING. ENERGY, POSITIVE VIBES, NEGATIVE VIBES, AURALearn the healing touch techniqueStudy of vibrations, energy and “Affected Luck”Chart/Calendar of your lucky and unlucky days and hours to reach success and avoid failureDiscovering and strengthening the energy of your mind and body: Techniques, lessons and methodsHow and why your name can affect your success, business, health, and life, and what to do about itEXTRATERRESTRIALS, INTRATERRESTRIALS, ALIENS, GRAYS, HYBRIDSThe “Grays”: The intraterrestrial non-human raceOn hybrids, their habit, food, way of life, and relationship with the GraysOn the Grays’ abduction and their laboratoriesEvolution of the extraterrestrials and the human racesHybrids-Grays bedrooms, beds, toys, dining rooms, food, and eating habits, dormitories and sleeping quartersTHE RAMADOSH SUPERNATURAL AND METAPHYSICAL TECHNIQUES, THE SUPERSYMETRIC MIND, ACTIVATION OF THE CONDUITHow to develop your Supersymetric MindHow to acquire incredible Anunnaki Ulema supernatural powers; Lessons, training and techniquesHow to activate your ConduitWHAT THE ALIENS AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS TOLD OUR GOVERNMENTSExcerpts from the official transcripts of their meetings with our government.Author’s website: http://www.maximilliendelafayettebibliography.com This book is available in 2 formats (Paperback and Kindle) Paperback available at: www.lulu.com Kindle edition at: amazon.comPublished by Times Square Press.
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