Voodoo Spells
Voodoo Spells is the second part in the six-part Edenwitch series. This installment picks up where The Witches of Jericho left off. Driven by fear of the demons chasing her from behind, and pulled by the possibility of freeing her mother, Sophia must find the path to the Voodoo Witch before all...
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Voodoo Spells is the second part in the six-part Edenwitch series. This installment picks up where The Witches of Jericho left off. Driven by fear of the demons chasing her from behind, and pulled by the possibility of freeing her mother, Sophia must find the path to the Voodoo Witch before all is lost. But there is a trap being set for the young heroine, one which might spell the end of her quest and the beginning of the end for the realm of Eden. Meanwhile, the Dark Lord struggles with his own insanity, and eagerly anticipates the day when he will finally be free of the infernal region.
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Format: ebook
Publish date: April 7th 2013
Publisher: Smashwords
Pages no: 95
Edition language: English
Series: Edenwitch (#2)
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from the author, Sam Hammack, through the Modern Good Reads group on Goodreads.