A tale of three sisters...Karen Kavanagh has spent her life feeling like the runt of the family.Her two elder sisters, domestic goddess Ava and salon owner Saskia, are mini versions of their mother, a gorgeous Danish beauty. Karen has inherited her father's droopy, dull brown hair and long nose...
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A tale of three sisters...Karen Kavanagh has spent her life feeling like the runt of the family.Her two elder sisters, domestic goddess Ava and salon owner Saskia, are mini versions of their mother, a gorgeous Danish beauty. Karen has inherited her father's droopy, dull brown hair and long nose - pitted against two Scandinavian sauna babes, she feels like Cinderella in reverse.Danny Alvarez doesn’t see her like that. He thinks she’s wonderful.Lots of women want Danny, but Danny just wants Karen.He pursues her with the devotion of a stalker - but she pushes him away. Then she realises what she’s done…Set in Norfolk, Terry Tyler's sixth novel, "What It Takes", is a story of insecurity, jealousy, sibling rivalry, love and loss, and the games people play in the search for love - because if you love someone with all your heart you’ll do what it takes to make them yours…
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