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What the Baby Knew - Ingrid Weaver
What the Baby Knew
by: (author)
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AND BABY MAKES…Ex-navy SEAL Quinn Keelor had never been rattled by small things. After all, he'd been trained to carry out grand and highly dangerous missions. But a baby on his doorstep? Left in his protective care? This promised to become the most challenging assignment of Quinn's... show more
AND BABY MAKES…Ex-navy SEAL Quinn Keelor had never been rattled by small things. After all, he'd been trained to carry out grand and highly dangerous missions. But a baby on his doorstep? Left in his protective care? This promised to become the most challenging assignment of Quinn's life….THREE?Until a beautiful stranger came to Quinn's aid—and turned out to be no stranger at all. But this Rachel Healey had nothing in common with the shy, plain girl who'd had a teenage crush on Quinn. Except that she'd never lost her knack with children. Suddenly Quinn's challenges multiplied. Not only did he have to keep the baby safe; now he had to shore up the fortress he'd deliberately built around his heart.
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Format: mass market paperback
ISBN: 9780373079391 (0373079397)
Publisher: Silhouette Books
Pages no: 256
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
salythereader rated it
4.0 What the Baby Knew
I really enjoyed What the Baby Knew though unrequited teenage love and crushes are not my favorite themes.Quinn has been to hell and back in the past year and is still having nightmares about it. He was a Navy SEAL for 15 years and then his wife lost the fight with cancer and soon after he went on a...
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