To a child the instinct to trust comes as naturally as the need to breathe. To a child, trust is a given, offered unconditionally, a gift to which no strings are attached. WHISPERS IN THE DARK is based on a shockingly true story, one too often repeated yet not often enough told, a story of...
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To a child the instinct to trust comes as naturally as the need to breathe. To a child, trust is a given, offered unconditionally, a gift to which no strings are attached. WHISPERS IN THE DARK is based on a shockingly true story, one too often repeated yet not often enough told, a story of ritual abuse, suicide and murder occurring in a small North Eastern community most would describe as idyllic and picturesque, the perfect place to raise a family. A community where local government, clergy and law enforcement officials not only looked the other way but devised a calculated cover-up of crimes against children spanning a period of more than forty years, crimes in which they, themselves, were complicit. Though many of the perpetrators have passed on, many have enjoyed the blessing of living well into old age. With the assistance of family and friends and no-holds-barred legal representation they continue both to evade justice, avoid paying compensation and to shame their many victims into silence. And after years of police investigation and a public inquiry costing over fifty million dollars, both resolve and recollection fades, leaving only the whispers to persist. WHISPERS IN THE DARK is a story of the ultimate abuse of power and the betrayal of trust, too horrific to believe but for the fact it is true. Sadly, anyone might have reason to harm a child...or no reason at all.
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