Wordpress for Real Estate Agents: Why you need to take control of your online brand, and how to create and optimize your own website.
In what has to be one of the last remaining face-to-face professions, as some leap forth and dominate the online space whilst others follow forcibly or with contention, this book shows even the most technology-resistant real estate professional why they must take control of their online brand,...
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In what has to be one of the last remaining face-to-face professions, as some leap forth and dominate the online space whilst others follow forcibly or with contention, this book shows even the most technology-resistant real estate professional why they must take control of their online brand, and how easy it can be to do themselves.
This extremely comprehensive guide is written in plain English language, so that even the most unfamiliar of users will have no trouble understanding it. It's like the WordPress for beginners iteration with a real estate perspective that ANYONE with a face-to-face profession looking (or needing) to move online will benefit from. Whether it's for yourself or your assistant, WordPress for Real Estate Agent doesn't just take you through the steps to build your website yourself, it also explains the WHY, which gives you all the power and confidence you need to tackle the big wide world online and dominate your area with your own brand.
This step by step book gives real estate agents at any level, even with no previous experience, a complete understanding of the basics answering all those questions you think you should already know but may have been hesitant to ask. And for those with some prior experience, you'll still be sure to benefit from some industry-related tips, thoughts, and from the wide range of additional features, and on a budget of next to nothing, too!
But what good is learning to build your own website if you don't learn how to market it? That's why this book is the most comprehensive guide you will ever need, as the authors take you through the mystery of Search Engine Optimization and the steps you need to take to kick this off; as well as an in depth explanation of online advertising from all angles.
This book takes into account ever-changing technology and instead of telling you just the specifics, it also teaches you what to look for into the future as well, so that it doesn't end up becoming redundant.
One of the biggest problems between a professional website developer and their clients is the communication breakdown that comes with being unfamiliar with each other's profession, and the lack of understanding of each other's jargon. So at the very least, what you will get out of this book is a complete understanding of what your developer is talking about if you choose not to build your website yourself, which can only lead to better results.
With real estate listing aggregators and online portals taking control of your real estate listings and charging exorbitant amounts for your data and your own brand, something must soon change, and when it is this easy, you've got no good reason not to give it a go!
What you will learn from this book:
- Internet Basics
- What is WordPress
- What are themes
- What are plugins and how to use them
- How to add great content
- Necessary content
- How to optimize your website and pages
- How to build through networks
- Useful tools provided by Google
- When (and how) to advertise on the internet
- And much, much more!
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