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Zaczarowane życie - Diana Wynne Jones, Danuta Górska
Zaczarowane życie
by: (author) (author)
4.00 5
Format: paperback
ISBN: 8324101268
Publisher: Amber
Pages no: 208
Edition language: Polski
Series: Chrestomanci (#1)
Community Reviews
Book it Chewie
Book it Chewie rated it
I have always absolutely loved how Diana Wynne Jones portrays magic in her works. Loved it. It's whimsical, charming - fairy tale-esque in its wonderful, simple absurdity. Howl's Moving Castle is not only one of my favourite comfort reads, but the Ghibli adaption is one of my favourite movies (despi...
As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves
As Usual, I Need More Bookshelves rated it
Good heavens, did I enjoy this. One of THE most aggravating baddies I've ever encountered, a plucky young anti-heroine, and Cat. Who wouldn't feel sorry for Cat? This is, more than anything, the story of how Cat decides to reclaim his power - literally - and be in charge of his own life. It's a gran...
Books, Dogs, and Other Blogs
Books, Dogs, and Other Blogs rated it
4.0 Semi-charmed kind of life
This was actually a re-read. Does it count as a re-read if the first time you read it, it was back in grade school? I guess it does. So 20+ years later, here I am again. I distinctly remember certain scenes were totally like woah to my young brain. And even though I hadn't read the book in ...
staceybusuttil1 rated it
4.0 Charmed Life (Essential Modern Classics)
Elegant and charming. Cuffed at 4 stars because it didn't quite surpass Howl's for me. Absolutely loved it though. Looking forward to the rest.
A Realm Beyond Clouds
A Realm Beyond Clouds rated it
The reason I love Diana Wynne Jones' books is that her story always came up with an innovative ideas in fantasy novels. From basic setting storyline to plot twists, alls are creative and enjoyable to read. Her story never progressed in the fixed formula of fantasy. All of that above I was experience...
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