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100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed - Melissa P., Melissa Panarello, Lawrence Venuti
100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed
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2.24 85
An instant blockbuster in Italy where it has sold over 700,000 copies, and now an international literary phenomenon, 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed is the fictionalized memoir of Melissa P., a Sicilian teenager whose quest for love rapidly devolves into a shocking journey of sexual... show more
An instant blockbuster in Italy where it has sold over 700,000 copies, and now an international literary phenomenon, 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed is the fictionalized memoir of Melissa P., a Sicilian teenager whose quest for love rapidly devolves into a shocking journey of sexual discovery.Melissa begins her diary a virgin, but a stormy affair at the age of fourteen leads her to regard sex as a means of self-discovery, and for the next two years she plunges into a succession of encounters with various partners, male and female, her age and much older, some met through schoolmates, others through newspaper ads and Internet chat rooms. In graphic detail she describes her entry into a Dante-esque underworld of eroticism, where she willingly participates in group sex and sadomasochism, as well as casual pickups. Melissa's secret life is concealed from family and friends, revealed only in her diary entries.Told with disarming candor, Melissa P.'s bittersweet tour of extreme desires is as poignant as it is titillating. One Hundred Strokes of the Brush Before Bed is a stunning erotic debut, a Story of O for our times.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780802117816 (0802117813)
ASIN: 802117813
Publisher: Grove Press/ Black Cat
Pages no: 176
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Rowan - Ombre Angeliche
Rowan - Ombre Angeliche rated it
2.0 "Io sono stata solo me stessa, diario."
Letto in poche ore, costretta a letto a causa dell'influenza.. che dire? Scrivere una recensione su un libro tanto famoso è quasi inutile, penso sia già stato detto tutto, ma d'altronde perché non dire anche la mia? Brevemente: dopo aver sentito parlare per anni di questo diario autobiografico (o al...
Piacevoli letture
Piacevoli letture rated it
2.0 100 colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire
Ma come si può pubblicare un libro brutto come questo e poi volerci anche far credere che l'autrice ha scritto cose realmente accadute!
Bark at the Ghouls
Bark at the Ghouls rated it
This book wasn't erotic just an uncomfortable read. It is horribly overwritten and the "erotic" encounters told in such a detached way that they're not at all sexy. This is a story about a young girl who needs some serious psychological help. She seems to purposely choose sexual partners who will ne...
This Love
This Love rated it
2.0 100 colpi di spazzola prima di andare a dormire
Beh, ci sarebbero MOLTE cose da dire, ma dirò solamente che l'ho letto quando avevo 17/18 anni e l'ho considerato un libro umoristico.. è decisamente uno dei libri che non riprenderò più in mano.
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