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A Most Unconventional Match - Julia Justiss
A Most Unconventional Match
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4.44 40
"A Wanton Widow" - When Hal Waterman calls upon the newly-widowed Elizabeth Lowery, it is intended to be the chivalrous act of a gentleman. But Hal has secretly adored Elizabeth for years. Elizabeth's household is in turmoil and she has to support her young son. Hal's help is more than welcome -... show more
"A Wanton Widow" - When Hal Waterman calls upon the newly-widowed Elizabeth Lowery, it is intended to be the chivalrous act of a gentleman. But Hal has secretly adored Elizabeth for years. Elizabeth's household is in turmoil and she has to support her young son. Hal's help is more than welcome - but his silent, protective presence arouses feelings in her that she does not understand. Elizabeth's marriage had been happy, but her husband had never aroused such confusing, exhilarating sensations in her...Elizabeth knows that society would condemn her, but Hal's attractions may well prove too much to resist!
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9780373295050 (0373295057)
Publisher: Harlequin
Pages no: 282
Edition language: English
Series: Wellingfords (#3)
Community Reviews
willaful rated it
4.0 Most Unconventional Match (Harlequin Historical Series #905)
A huge, inarticulate guy who's shy with women -- how could I not want to read more about Hal Waterman, after he was introduced in [b:The Wedding Gamble|1174864|The Wedding Gamble|Julia Justiss|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1181644918s/1174864.jpg|1162631]? Hal is instantly smitten with his best frien...
Dawn772 rated it
5.0 A Most Unconventional Match
I like when hero has always secretly desired heroine and his speech impediment tugged at my heart.
Angela rated it
I really liked this book. There was no high drama, no big misunderstandings, just slow discovery of each others characters and personalities. Originally, the hero believes all beautiful women to be as condescending and scornful like his mother and the heroine over the course over their acquaintance ...
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