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Artemis Fowl: La colonia perduta - Eoin Colfer, Angela Ragusa
Artemis Fowl: La colonia perduta
by: (author) (author)
4.00 5
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9788804568810 (880456881X)
Publisher: A. Mondadori
Pages no: 361
Edition language: Italian
Series: Artemis Fowl (#5)
Community Reviews
Autumn Lupin Books
Autumn Lupin Books rated it
5.0 The Lost Colony
4.5 stars. It really only loses the half star because part of the ending was predictable, and it was really something I should not have been able to predict.
Degrees of Affection
Degrees of Affection rated it
4.0 Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony # 5 [Audiobook] - Boy do things get interesting!
I remember buying this when it first came out, reading it, and not finding it terribly interesting. I didn't read it again nor did I read any of the later books, the series slipped beneath my radar and though I attempted to restart it once or twice, I never seemed to manage. But I decided to give ...
Elizabetha rated it
4.0 Artemis Fowl. La cuenta atrás (Artemis Fowl #5), Eoin Colfer o todo lo que le falta a Rick Riordan
Me encanta la serie de Artemis Fowl. Es cierto que las entregas nos son parejas y unas son mejores que otras, pero nunca me decepcionan. Poseen esa frescura y fluidez de las que adolece tristemente Rick Riordan y que hacen que sea una saga que me parece deliciosa. Sus personajes son simpáticos y coh...
Wyvernfriend Reads
Wyvernfriend Reads rated it
3.0 Artemis Fowl - The Lost Colony
Artemis has discovered that there's some sort of temporal anomaly which is causing demons to appear, he has also worked out that these demons are in fact a fairy race who are caught in a time spell, and it's degrading. A second young genius, this time a girl, has also discovered about this paradox ...
Cynically Sweet (Booklikes)
Cynically Sweet (Booklikes) rated it
5.0 The Lost Colony
The genre of Science Fiction has always been interesting to me, but many novels take great leaps that take them out of bounds within the scenes they create. Within the five Artemis Fowl books I've read so far, I don't feel that there has been a single instance of such a "leap". Even with the introdu...
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