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Birds of New Zealand - Locality Guide: Where to find birds in New Zealand - Stuart Chambers
Birds of New Zealand - Locality Guide: Where to find birds in New Zealand
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Birds of New Zealand - Locality Guide, helps birders identify and find New Zealand's birds. It lists all of the likely birds which will be encountered, provides details about the bird with a picture, and tells the reader where to go to find them. Only accessible viewing places are listed in the... show more
Birds of New Zealand - Locality Guide, helps birders identify and find New Zealand's birds. It lists all of the likely birds which will be encountered, provides details about the bird with a picture, and tells the reader where to go to find them. Only accessible viewing places are listed in the text. GPS coordinates are also provided.
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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781505368871 (1505368871)
ASIN: 1505368871
Publisher: CreateSpace
Pages no: 398
Edition language: English
Books by Stuart Chambers
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