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Bogart '48 - John Stanley, John Stanley, Fender Tucker, Richard A. Lupoff, Gavin L. O'Keefe, Kenn Davis
Bogart '48
by: (author) (author) (author) (author) (author) (author)
Someone is planning to blow up the theater during the 1948 Academy Awards show and when Humphrey Bogart hears about it, he knows he has to do something about it. It's what Sam Spade would do. So he grabs Peter Lorre and some other Hollywood pals and tears around LA looking for clues. Written by... show more
Someone is planning to blow up the theater during the 1948 Academy Awards show and when Humphrey Bogart hears about it, he knows he has to do something about it. It's what Sam Spade would do. So he grabs Peter Lorre and some other Hollywood pals and tears around LA looking for clues. Written by John Stanley and Kenn Davis, two Hollywood backstage veterans, this big novel will keep you grinning. It's full of pictures of real studio characters from that fateful year. John Stanley introduces the book and Richard A. Lupoff provides an Afterword.
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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781605436616 (1605436615)
ASIN: 1605436615
Publisher: Ramble House
Pages no: 350
Edition language: English
Books by Gavin L. O'Keefe
Books by Richard A. Lupoff
Books by Fender Tucker
Books by Kenn Davis
Books by Stanley John Weyman
Books by Stanley John Weyman
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