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Čuvari - Alan Moore, Dave Gibbons, John Higgins
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9789533211619
Publisher: Fibra
Pages no: 464
Edition language: Croatian
Community Reviews
Danielle's Reading Adventures
Danielle's Reading Adventures rated it
4.0 Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes
I gave this four stars, but my feelings about this book are difficult to coalesce down to a simple numeric rating. I read this with my Readings in the Graphic Novel course, and I agree that it is seminal graphic novel/comic reading. However, there are some things about this book that I didn't care f...
Kell's Reading Realm
Kell's Reading Realm rated it
1.0 Watchmen
Not my cup of tea at all.
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents rated it
4.0 Watchmen
This isn't the best story ever to me, but the depth is amazing. Every person who reads it is sure to see a different angle. Many things are going on, lots of side stories, metaphors galore, symbolism, connections. There's so much here, a person could fall inside and get lost if not careful. This...
Listening to the Silence
Listening to the Silence rated it
There is a reason why this is one of the most well-known and loved graphic novels on the market. Aside from the brilliant artistic renderings, this clearly a prime example of what happens to the comic book when it grows up. It is both mature in content and very intelligent. The author and illustrat...
Blondie and Read
Blondie and Read rated it
5.0 Watchmen
Unfortunately, this graphic novel doesn't have a synopsis written out on the book. Thus leaving the "about" section I usually include, bare.I first saw the movie back when it was in theaters. I didn't really remember a whole lot about it, but I remembered that I really enjoyed it. When it came time ...
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