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Dokter in Ierland - Patrick Taylor, Mariëlla Snel
Dokter in Ierland
by: (author) (author)
3.00 5
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9789044322163 (9044322168)
Publisher: The House of Books
Pages no: 335
Edition language: Dutch
Series: Irish Country (#1)
Community Reviews
AEriko's Book Corner
AEriko's Book Corner rated it
4.0 An Irish Country Doctor
This was a great book for some light reading. The setting was charming, and I found the characters to be very likeable. Taylor did a wonderful job creating a picturesque village that is sure to make the reader want to visit Ireland despite knowing that Ballybucklebo isn't a real place and towns aren...
Confuzzled Books
Confuzzled Books rated it
4.0 An Irish Country Doctor
Dr. Barry Laverty is just out of medical school in search of a practice to work at. He comes across Dr. O’Reilly’s request for a intern in a (made up) town called Balleybucklebo, Ireland. It seems a small town such as this has several different kinds of people, the kooks, and the actual sick. I be...
Anya's Books
Anya's Books rated it
5.0 An Irish Country Doctor
Pure Unadulterated JOY. Having a bad day? Feeling a tad down? The world looking like a dreary place? Read this book and watch your day improve, feel a smile spread over your face and the the world shine in all its glory.This book had me LOLing all over the place :)
Confuzzled Books
Confuzzled Books rated it
4.0 An Irish Country Doctor
Dr. Barry Laverty is just out of medical school in search of a practice to work at. He comes across Dr. O’Reilly’s request for a intern in a (made up) town called Balleybucklebo, Ireland. It seems a small town such as this has several different kinds of people, the kooks, and the actual sick. I beli...
Tales Between the Pages
Tales Between the Pages rated it
4.0 An Irish Country Doctor
What I loved the most about this novel is the way it slows time to a standstill, allowing you to focus on this one village in North Ireland and this one distinct time. I felt like I was looking through a portal into the past. I believe this was a point of contention for some people when I was readi...
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