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by M.T. Anderson
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BKHorne rated it 14 years ago
This book, this genre really gets under my skin. It was a good read and an excellent societal critique but it creeped me out so much that I can't give it five stars. It was very well done, but it just made me feel so sad. I don't think that is a failing of the book, but rather my failure to get pl...
Cave of Wonder
Cave of Wonder rated it 14 years ago
After reading this book, I feel like I am somehow dumber. I mean, it's not really their fault that they seem pretty stupid...But it was still an interesting book for the most part.
Kaethe rated it 14 years ago
I really enjoyed it, despite my expectations. As in Bruiser, there isn't really a romance here, just a friendship between a boy and a girl. As satire, I'm not sure it goes far enough. Nonetheless, I can see why it would be both popular and influential YA. I would have freaking loved this in my t...
Erin Bowman
Erin Bowman rated it 14 years ago
This book was amazing. I read the entire thing in two short sittings, but not because it was overly simplistic or juvenile. I just couldn’t put it down. It was that good.The feed tells you what to watch, where to shop, what music you might like. It can look up anything for you at any second. There i...
Page Turning Paula
Page Turning Paula rated it 14 years ago
I think I would have loved this book completely if I had read it in middle or high school. Still thoroughly enjoyed it!
holes in my brain
holes in my brain rated it 14 years ago
I don’t exactly know what to think of this book. On one hand, I thought Titus was interesting and could be somewhat original. I thought he would be the boy who might change everything, who might fight for the girl he claims to love. On the other hand, he was a douchebag.A douchebag made by technolog...
The Purple Book Monster
The Purple Book Monster rated it 15 years ago
After a while, the book was getting easier to read once I had gotten through some of the strange lingo. And the moral/message it sends me is quite interesting too.
mrsbond rated it 15 years ago
Finished in one sitting, could not put this book down. The portrayal of a future American culture obsessed with consumerism, enabled by super efficient marketing techniques, is too real to be ignored. It is difficult to see the difference between adults and teenagers, both make frequent use of coars...
Bettie's Books
Bettie's Books rated it 15 years ago
Blurb: - In this chilling novel, Anderson imagines a society dominated by the feed a next-generation Internet/television hybrid that is directly hardwired into the brain. Teen narrator Titus never questions his world, in which parents select their babies' attributes in the conceptionarium, corporati...
wealhtheow rated it 15 years ago
A brilliant, scathing commentary on our world today: pop culture, youth culture, consumerism, colonialism, environmentalism. Anderson is incredible at creating futuristic pop culture, comprised of trends like "speech tattoos" (in which someone pays to have a word--say, a brand name--inserted into ...
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