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Gandhi: a March to the Sea - Alice B. McGinty, Thomas Gonzalez
Gandhi: a March to the Sea
by: (author) (author)
3.75 20
Mohandas Gandhi’s 24-day March to the Sea, from March 12 to April 5, 1930, was a pivotal moment in India’s quest to become an independent country no longer ruled by Great Britain. With over 70 marchers, Gandhi walked from his hometown near Ahmedabad to the seacoast near Dandi. The march was a... show more
Mohandas Gandhi’s 24-day March to the Sea, from March 12 to April 5, 1930, was a pivotal moment in India’s quest to become an independent country no longer ruled by Great Britain. With over 70 marchers, Gandhi walked from his hometown near Ahmedabad to the seacoast near Dandi. The march was a non-violent means to protest the taxes that Great Britain had imposed on salt-not the salt that the Indians could get from the sea, but the salt that Great Britain forced them to buy. Gandhi believed that peaceful protests were an effective way to challenge British law, and his peaceful but ultimately successful movement became known as Satyagraha.
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Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9781477816448 (1477816445)
ASIN: 1477816445
Publisher: Two Lions
Pages no: 1
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Peace, Love & Books
Peace, Love & Books rated it
McGinty gives readers a good introduction to Gandhi's Satyagraha (Soul Force) movement and understanding of how the seemingly simple, defiant act of making salt helped unite Indians from different faiths and castes in the independence movement. Great illustrations by Thomas Gonzalez.
Peace, Love & Books
Peace, Love & Books rated it
McGinty gives readers a good introduction to Gandhi's Satyagraha (Soul Force) movement and understanding of how the seemingly simple, defiant act of making salt helped unite Indians from different faiths and castes in the independence movement. Great illustrations by Thomas Gonzalez.
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Books by Alice B. McGinty
Books by Thomas Gonzalez
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