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Goli ručak - William S. Burroughs
Goli ručak
by: (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9536683040
Publisher: Šareni dućan
Pages no: 256
Edition language: Croatian
Community Reviews
Booklife of Bia
Booklife of Bia rated it
1.0 Naked Lunch
This was an incredibly exhausting and somewhat pointless read. The intro, as well as the annex, were okay-ish and had at least an informative value to them (to a certain degree...), but everything in between was horrid and reeeally far from being understandable or enjoyable at all. So... thanks, but...
A girl and her books
A girl and her books rated it
2.0 The Naked Lunch by William S. Burroughs
I found this book so weird and awkward to read. Some parts are so crude and even cruel that made my stomach churn. Is also pretty hard to follow if you don't pay attention while reading. You get distracted just a second and you're lost. The only part I did find interesting was the appendix writt...
Julian Meynell's Books
Julian Meynell's Books rated it
4.0 Review
It is a fascinating experimental novel. It is a kind of drug fueled satire. It is part of a modernist movement of nightmare that has as its representatives Bacon in Art and Lou Reed in music. Interestingly Reed credits Burroughs as a huge influence. It is a hallucinogenic, discordant sort of p...
EndaF rated it
5.0 Naked Lunch
I've been reading this book the past few weeks during exams,just picking it up and flicking through a few pages every day. I think this is how Burroughs wanted it to be read. Any more and I find things get confused very fast with Naked Lunch. But it was a very enjoyable book to read.
Bookivorous rated it
5.0 Naked Lunch: The Restored Text
There's no one quite like Burroughs. My only advice is to ignore the harrumphings about obscenity and read it as a comedy. It is hilarious.
Books by William S. Burroughs
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