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Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes
Government drone by day and book lover and geek girl by night!
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Last activity: 2016-08-19 19:17
Posts: 659
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Happy birthday! more »
Seriously. I got my home office almost the way I want it which is making me thrilled though. I can see again! I got my new monitor today. more »
Our big boss sent out a third quarter email which was at times somber and very uplifting. He also asked for book recs. I sent in a bunch to him, the deputy, and the Public and Congressional Affairs staffer. They responded, we assumed you would have book recs for us :-) Nice to be known for being a b... more »
Weird. My computer just automatically brings me to the dashboard as soon as I start typing Booklikes. more »
The sun came out today which has cheered me up. Working now in my office (got it updated and cleaned) downstairs near all of my books :-) I used to just work upstairs, but I got tired of my crap spreading all over the place and having to pack my stuff away all day. Bought a monitor that should get h... more »
Thanks. And yeah I think I have blocked over 3,500 spammers at this point. Unreal. more »
Great idea! Will do! more »
Yeah I think going outside has helped some people. It definitely has been keeping me calm. I would go stir crazy if I was in the house all day. I don't know how those people in Italy can stand it. Good luck! more »
Oh no. Would it help to give him a project to do to distract himself? I had a friend who kept posting her temperatures to FB and we all finally told her if it helps her self soothe, write it down, and then after drink some water and go for a quick walk outside. It seemed to help her calm down. I am... more »
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