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Discussion: Social Isolation: 3/24/2020
posts: 15 views: 793 last post: 4 years ago
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How is everyone doing this morning?
Thankful that it’s a sunny day. Being locked down in the rain would be depressing.
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The sun came out so much better.
My life really isn't much different from what it was B.C, other than being scared more.

There are advantages to being a virtual hermit.
Wichita's county (Sedgwick county) will be under a stay at home order starting at midnight and the list of essential businesses/activities is too damn long, so I don't understand why the order was put into place to begin with. And from what I've seen, very few people are going to obey the order anyway. It has a 30 day suspense date. We had thunder storms run through our area at 2am this morning (ask me how I know!) and a short break of sun (long enough to take the kids and the dog for a walk). Now we are just in a cloudy gray spot.

Today is the first full day of schooling from home, and so far it's going okay. Our school district, along with Wichita's, is serving to go breakfast and lunch meals at certain points free to all children. So we picked up our meals and went to drop off one of the two library books at the book drop box (which was full, as our library is going to hard closure starting at midnight even though we live in Butler County). Yeah, I couldn't get Golden in Death finished in time, so now it's mine for the foreseeable future. hehehehehe

I'm off to teach the kids some history and civics (today's lesson is on the census - how fun!), PE, and math before allowing them complete access to the tv. They are being good sports about this situation and I could not be more grateful.
It's cloudy here, with a few sun breaks. Yesterday we had rain and hail! Oregon spring - if you don't like the weather, wait fifteen minutes and it'll change. Right now is one of those sun breaks, so it's bright and pleasant outside. At this point, everyone has just gone to teleworking unless there are specific court appearances that can't be done remotely. I don't have any of those for the present, so I'm just working from home.

I just took a short break, and cleaned the master bathroom. Is that an upside or a downside of work from home?
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Upside. I am about to deep clean my last bathroom. Cue choirs singing.

Linda, I am so sorry you are scared, I have stopped watching Trump's campaign rallies/updates and take heart that the governor of VA and my local community is doing a good job with things. I am luckily able to work from home so I am not in the same position as many other Americans who are out of work. I hope the Congress passes an aid package soon.

TeaStitchRead good luck! That's great about the meals!
Hubby's job is considered essential for now, and if his store goes on lockdown they'll still do online orders with curbside pickup, and if they shut down completely, they'll probably shift the fill crew to the grocery stores. Who knew one of the most stable jobs in a pandemic would be stocking shelves?

On the distraction front, Inspirobot is always there for us for all our randomly generated "inspirational" quote needs.
Philadelphia is on city wide stay at home order. And I am the only one in the house whose immune system is not compromised in some way. Just feeling anxious. Yeah, Linda you are not the only one who is nervous. It helps that our mayor and governor inspire some trust.
Thanks for asking. Still working from home and have many meetings.

Social distancing rule out a lot of social activities.

Still feeling good as part of the community who is aware of the danger of this virus. The mistrust in government increase by the government opening all trains from Wuhan to Hong Kong on 8 April and the tickets are all sold-out.

There is a lot of anger for the government action. And the action of selfish people.

Other than that, I'm doing just fine.

The upside of thing is a lot of people are doing fancy home cook meals. Now they could do some preparation while working, recipes that requires longer preparation time is no longer an issue. Sadly, my cooking skill has not improved much.

We're just going to keep this thread going for a few more days!

Things are falling apart a bit in the MR household. My husband is an incredibly anxious person, and this is not helping his already somewhat precarious emotional well-being. He's literally making himself sick, and then convincing himself he has the virus, which I am quite sure he does not. He's been taking his temperature at least ten times a day. I'm trying to be supportive, but it's wearing me down. I am a very self-contained person, and I don't deal well with this sort of thing.

So, yeah, he's driving me fucking crazy.

Going to my "office" now.
Reply to post #13 (show post):

Oh no. Would it help to give him a project to do to distract himself? I had a friend who kept posting her temperatures to FB and we all finally told her if it helps her self soothe, write it down, and then after drink some water and go for a quick walk outside. It seemed to help her calm down.

I am alone with Junior so the only person working my nerves currently is myself. I am just fretting about my family having enough funds. Thankfully I am still getting paid and can telework through the duration of this.
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I got him to take half a Xanax and lay down for a while. He didn't sleep last night because of his anxiety. A project would probably help, as would getting him outside to go for a walk.

I am scheduled to go into my office this afternoon for some court appearances, so at least I'll be out of the house for a while. :)
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Yeah I think going outside has helped some people. It definitely has been keeping me calm. I would go stir crazy if I was in the house all day. I don't know how those people in Italy can stand it.

Good luck!
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Many hugs to you, MR. I have the opposite -- someone who isn't sufficiently worried1 He did tell me yesterday, however, that he is having his coffee outside since the restaurant went to take-out only, and he sits at a table with ONE friend only, the entire 6-foot table between them, and won't allow anyone else to join them. So I guess that's something.

I'm heading out to grocery again. We'll see if the store situation is any better than a week ago.
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