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Interview With the Vampire - Community Reviews back

by Anne Rice, Simon Vance
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rainontheroad rated it 11 years ago
Sensuously written, this is a gothic classic that will float around you for days after you put it down.
rainontheroad rated it 11 years ago
Sensuously written, this is a gothic classic that will float around you for days after you put it down.
What I'm reading
What I'm reading rated it 11 years ago
I wanted to like this so much. I only read this after I saw the movie (which despite Tom Cruise, I liked). I wanted to be swept away with all the angst of Louis and the dilemma of killing to survive. Alas. Nope. This was a pain to read. I've learn to give Rice a pass. Not that it's a bad book, just ...
Tiny Library
Tiny Library rated it 11 years ago
I should start by saying that I was a bit hesitant to read Interview With The Vampire as the film is one of my all-time favourite films. Which is weird, as I don't like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise that much, but I've loved the film for years now and was worried the book wouldn't live up to my expectati...
Liz* ~ Procrastinator Extraordinaire
Liz* ~ Procrastinator Extraordinaire rated it 12 years ago
I read this book in spanish, it seems fair I'll review it in spanish as well.Seguramente debe haber algo raro conmigo por no poder disfrutar un clásico. Así me siento con este libro. Necesitaba leer una voz autorizada sobre vampiros, y tengo que admitir que terminarlo fue cuesta arriba. Pero tengo q...
Munira @ In Vogue with Books
Munira @ In Vogue with Books rated it 12 years ago
I first saw the movie and then this book, but both are actually pretty nice, though in the movie somethings appeared too filmy.
Always Doing
Always Doing rated it 12 years ago
I enjoyed the story and the prose - a nice change up from the more modern vampire tales I've been reading. It felt like doing homework in a way, reading the book that arguably "started it all", but I thoughly enjoyed the assignment.
Sharon L
Sharon L rated it 12 years ago
this story was dark, rich, seductive. Louis was tormented with guilt craving his mortal life. he was beautiful, his voice was captivating, yet, he wasn't what i loved most in the book. what i loved most were Claudia and Lestat. Lestat, the lonely vampire, the vampire who celebrates his immortality. ...
even with nougat, you can have a perfect moment
Deeply silly and over the top but quite good fun. A little too long - some part just drag.
The Book Magpie's Nest
The Book Magpie's Nest rated it 12 years ago
Deeply silly and over the top but quite good fun. A little too long - some part just drag.
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