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Interview With the Vampire - Community Reviews back

by Anne Rice
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Crash My Book Party
Crash My Book Party rated it 11 years ago
I've always found this title amusing... I was fascinated by this book. Intrigued. I think those are the right words to describe my relationship with Interview with the Vampire. I thought it was different and kind of exciting and even thrilling in places. I thought Louis was an interesting characte...
a Girl Who Reads
a Girl Who Reads rated it 11 years ago
(The Vampire Chronicle) by : Anne Rice #1:Interview with the Vampire - the confessions of a vampire - " Evil is a point of view". I am going to make my own confess that I didn't read this book until after I'd seen the movie. and since then i make a decision to read everything Rice has wri...
Lisa (Harmony)
Lisa (Harmony) rated it 11 years ago
I was drawn in from the first page. The conceit is that Louis, made a vampire by the sinister Lestat in 1791 New Orleans, is telling his life--or rather after-life story to an interviewer known only as "the boy." One of the reasons I found this a riveting read is that Rice writes in a clean, trans...
PooBear's Blog
PooBear's Blog rated it 11 years ago
this book is freaking amazing when i first saw the movie i fell in luv with it bt the only i didnt kno it was made from a book hey dnt blame me i was just a kid and im too addicted reading vampires
Book slash
Book slash rated it 11 years ago
I am finding interesting the good and the bad vampire, up to now, the best bit that I like is when the Louis becomes a vampire, his description of how his is able to see the world (more colorful)
wbebout rated it 11 years ago
Finally got around to marking this off my vampire to do list. While it depicted traditional vamps (not sparkly teeny-bopper vamps), it still was not a very horrific read. Louis is a frigging wimp for a vamp. There was too much emphasis on feelings and not near enough ghoulish vampirism. I doubt ...
I only read when my OCD kicks in
I only read when my OCD kicks in rated it 11 years ago
A good read. Not a great read.I flopped between a 3,4, or 5 star review. I wanted to give a 5 star review because of its significance to horror writing and to the billion dollar vampire and goth industry. This book was written in 1976 so it could very well be responsible for a generation of folks ru...
MatthewHunter rated it 11 years ago
In my 20s (aka the '90s), I tried to read Interview with the Vampire but failed miserably. I couldn't stomach Rice's dreamy darkness. Maybe the film tainted things for me. Antonio Banderas, Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt as passion-filled vampires? I couldn't stop picturing Louis and Lestat as airbrushed ...
Reader & Dreamer
Reader & Dreamer rated it 11 years ago
- the confessions of a vampire - " Evil is a point of view". I am going to make my own confess that I didn't read this book until after I'd seen the movie. and since then i make a decision to read everything Rice has written cause the book was simply GREAT !i was so in LOVE with the charactersLouis,...
Return to Oz
Return to Oz rated it 11 years ago
I finished this book. I liked it but Anne Rice is a bit of shit writer.
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