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It All Begins with Self - Delano Lewis, Brian Lewis, Gayle Lewis
It All Begins with Self
by: (author) (author) (author)
Delano Lewis, a native Kansan, is a family man, a pioneer, a trailblazer, a public servant, a businessman, and a diplomat. His message is clear that with a strong family foundation, solid education and training, hard work, perseverance, committed mentors and supporters, you, too, can be... show more
Delano Lewis, a native Kansan, is a family
man, a pioneer, a trailblazer, a public servant, a businessman, and a
diplomat. His message is clear that with a strong family foundation,
solid education and training, hard work, perseverance, committed
mentors and supporters, you, too, can be successful. It starts with self.
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Format: Kindle Edition
Pages no: 61
Edition language: English
Books by Brian Lewis
Books by Lewis Delano Boynton
Books by Gayle Lewis
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