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L'angelo della musica - Rose Tremain, Claudia Marinelli, Barbara Piccioli
L'angelo della musica
by: (author) (author) (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9788842808930 (8842808938)
Publisher: Il Saggiatore
Pages no: 437
Edition language: Italian
Community Reviews
Telynor's Library, and then some
Telynor's Library, and then some rated it
An unusual setting for a historical novel -- 17th century Denmark -- told from the viewpoint of a court musician. I found it very enjoyable, if some of the details were either high in the squick factor or improbable, but still a good read that is partially based in fact. For the complete review, ple...
Judy Croome: Author on the Prowl
Judy Croome: Author on the Prowl rated it
“Music and Silence” by Rose Tremain was recommended to me as a superb example of a multi-voiced novel.This is a long book (+450 pages), superbly written in a lyrical prose style. Set in 17th century Denmark, it’s well-researched and brilliantly conveys what life must have been like in that time. In ...
thebookcoop rated it
Music and Silence takes you, dream-like, through 17th Century Denmark during the time of King Christian IV. I'm not sure how historically accurate this book is yet, I thought I would look it up after reading it.Tremain chose a rather unusual method of storytelling. It was written in little episodes ...
Chris' Fish Place
Chris' Fish Place rated it
Music & Silence is beautifully written. Though the plot is relatively simple, it becomes suspenseful towards the end. There is a feeling of disconnect from the characters, perhaps due to the prose style itself or the historical era. The other character that the reader seems to fully get to know ...
Books by Rose Tremain
Books by Claudia Marinelli
Books by Barbara Piccioli
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