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Paulov ljetni posao - Michel Rabagliati, Tatjana Jambrišak
Paulov ljetni posao
by: (author) (author)
Format: hardcover
ISBN: 9789533210322
Publisher: Naklada Fibra
Pages no: 196
Edition language: Croatian
Series: Paul (#2)
Community Reviews
pedestrienne rated it
5.0 Paul Has a Summer Job
Now, this is what I want from a piece of writing about summer camp. the nostalgia factor pushes it towards adult for me, but could still be read and enjoyed by "new" adults and "young" adults
pedestrienne rated it
5.0 Paul Has a Summer Job
Now, this is what I want from a piece of writing about summer camp. the nostalgia factor pushes it towards adult for me, but could still be read and enjoyed by "new" adults and "young" adults
Boston Bibliophile
Boston Bibliophile rated it
4.0 Paul Has a Summer Job
A sweet story with some nice twists and turns; Paul is a very appealing character and the story of the summer camp is fun to watch unfold. I liked the character Marie and the lessons that Paul learns in the end.
eli's books
eli's books rated it
4.0 Paul Has a Summer Job
So much better than Paul's summer working in the seafood department of a grocery store like I convinced myself it was about.
Books by Tatjana Jambrišak
Books by Michel Rabagliati
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