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Put oko svijeta u 80 dana - Jules Verne, Petar Mardešić
Put oko svijeta u 80 dana
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4.00 5
'To go around the world...in such a short time and with the means of transport currently available, was not only impossible, it was madness' One ill-fated evening at the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg rashly bets his companions £20,000 that he can travel around the entire globe in just eighty days -... show more

'To go around the world...in such a short time and with the means of transport currently available, was not only impossible, it was madness'
One ill-fated evening at the Reform Club, Phileas Fogg rashly bets his companions £20,000 that he can travel around the entire globe in just eighty days - and he is determined not to lose. Breaking the well-establised routine of his d
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Format: hardcover
Publisher: Mladost, Zagreb
Pages no: 186
Edition language: Croatian
Series: Extraordinary Voyages (#11)
Books by Jules Verne
Books by Petar Mardešić
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