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Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story - Debbie Tung
Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story
by: (author)
4.00 50
Sweet, funny, and quietly poignant, Debbie Tung’s comics reveal the ups and downs of coming of age as an introvert. This illustrated gift book of short comics illuminates author Debbie Tung's experience as an introvert in an extrovert’s world. Presented in a loose narrative style that can be... show more
Sweet, funny, and quietly poignant, Debbie Tung’s comics reveal the ups and downs of coming of age as an introvert.

This illustrated gift book of short comics illuminates author Debbie Tung's experience as an introvert in an extrovert’s world. Presented in a loose narrative style that can be read front to back or dipped into at one’s leisure, the book spans three years of Debbie's life, from the end of college to the present day. In these early years of adulthood, Debbie slowly but finally discovers there is a name for her lifelong need to be alone: she’s an introvert.

The first half of the book traces Debbie’s final year in college: socializing with peers, dating, falling in love (with an extrovert!), moving in, getting married, meeting new people, and simply trying to fit in. The second half looks at her life after graduation: finding a job, learning to live with her new husband, trying to understand social obligations when it comes to the in-laws, and navigating office life. Ultimately, Quiet Girl sends a positive, pro-introvert message: our heroine learns to embrace her introversion and finds ways to thrive in the world while fulfilling her need for quiet.
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Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9781449486068 (1449486061)
Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Pages no: 184
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Url Phantomhive
Url Phantomhive rated it
4.0 Quiet Girl in a Noisy World
This was very relatable! Many comics described exactly how I have been feeling when for example, the phone or doorbell rings. These collections tend to get a bit too much of the same after I while but this did not bother me with Quiet Girl in a Noisy World. The drawings were very cute and I liked th...
bookjunkie57 rated it
3.0 Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert’s Story
I Picked Up This Book Because: I enjoyed the author’s most recent release The Story: I love how Debbie talks about meeting her husband and how he knows what she needs to be happy. That’s the dream. Debbie talks a lot about how much people exhaust her and quite frankly this book exhausted me. The co...
Familiar Diversions
Familiar Diversions rated it
4.0 Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story by Debbie Tung
Debbie Tung is an introvert, although she didn't always know that. At the beginning of this graphic novel, when she was still in grad school, she figured she was just weird. As she meets the person she'll eventually marry, finishes grad school, and deals with her first job and a work environment tha...
theguywhoreads rated it
4.0 Understanding An Introvert Story Through Illustration
Here's some thing about me - I am an ISFP personality introvert after a personality test. I never thought myself to be an introvert before (for those who know me) but looking back, I was pretty much shut-in myself then before I met someone from a past that brings out the best in me. Quiet Girl in a ...
My Never Ending List
My Never Ending List rated it
5.0 Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story
New people overwhelm her but her current friends and family give her comfort. She would prefer to be alone but she agrees to the plans that others have arranged as she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings by turning them down. She would prefer to have an empty calendar than a full one. As I read thro...
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