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Rat svetova - H.G. Wells, V. Dedijer, Moma Marković
Rat svetova
by: (author) (author) (author)
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Man had not yet learned to fly when H.G. Wells conceived this story of a Martian attack on England. Giant cylinders crash to Earth, disgorging huge, unearthly creatures armed with heat-rays and fighting machines. Amid the boundless destruction they cause, it looks as if the end of the world has... show more
Man had not yet learned to fly when H.G. Wells conceived this story of a Martian attack on England. Giant cylinders crash to Earth, disgorging huge, unearthly creatures armed with heat-rays and fighting machines. Amid the boundless destruction they cause, it looks as if the end of the world has come.
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Format: hardcover
Publisher: Jugoslavija/Prosveta
Pages no: 247
Edition language: Serbian
Books by H.G. Wells
Books by V. Dedijer
Books by Moma Marković
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