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Seven Day Loan (The Original Sinners, #0.5) - Community Reviews back

by Tiffany Reisz
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TezMillerOz rated it 12 years ago
Before Nora Sutherlin there was Eleanor, lent out by her Dom to another, but only for seven days. But Daniel wants to keep Eleanor forever and she's not entirely sure she's willing to leave.Seven-Day Loan is another great read from Tiffany Reisz. It was published first but you must read The Siren be...
In Love with Romance
In Love with Romance rated it 12 years ago
Guess what? Tiffany Reisz is at it again! Seven Day Loan is a prequel to The Siren. This is a look into Eleanor's life, Kingsley, and Soren before The Siren. Anyone who's read The Siren knows who little Eleanor is. Eleanor is on loan for a week. She doesn't like it, but she does what she's told. The...
mlsimmons rated it 12 years ago
This story is not a bad one. I think I just made the mistake of reading right after I finished The Siren. That book is so intense, that I think almost any book right afterwords would have a hard following in its footsteps. This story is also about Eleanor before The Siren takes place. She is loa...
The Romance Evangelist
The Romance Evangelist rated it 12 years ago
*This book was purchased by me for my own enjoyment. Review also appears at SeductiveMusings.blogspot.comSeven Day Loan is a surprisingly sweet story about Eleanor, the ultimate submissive, and how she changes the life of Daniel when left in his care for a week by her Master while he is away on a tr...
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