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Shell Shocked - Angelia Sparrow, Naomi Brooks
Shell Shocked
by: (author) (author)
Sean Dempsey came home from Iraq with artificial knees, scorched retinas and a lot of baggage. He supplements his disability checks with money made writing romance novels under a female pseudonym, ironic as he has grown very nervous around women since a certain suicide bomber. When he meets... show more
Sean Dempsey came home from Iraq with artificial knees, scorched retinas and a lot of baggage. He supplements his disability checks with money made writing romance novels under a female pseudonym, ironic as he has grown very nervous around women since a certain suicide bomber. When he meets Gabriel Herne, legless phone psychic, the sparks startle him. It's everything he's written about and never believed.Swept into a whirlwind romance, Sean has to learn about his newfound bisexuality and his lover's pagan faith at the same time. And when he has a religious experience of his own, he discovers everything changes in its time, just like the Wheel of the Year.NOTE: This novel contains erotic scenes of hot men celebrating pagan holidays in an accurate depiction of the Wheel of the Year.
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Format: kindle
Pages no: 174
Community Reviews
JustJen rated it
I enjoyed the very realistic feel of this book. It was easy to imagine what the characters were going through, each with their own difficulties, but together helping each other through them. Not your usual feel good story, but I enjoyed it very much all the same.
Genosha is for lovers
Genosha is for lovers rated it
Unlike most of these mm ebooks the authors worked hard to make real characters and didn't skimp on the unbecoming details that subsequently came up. For that alone I like the book.The story itself was a little dry and it sometimes read like a text book.
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