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Naomi Brooks's Books
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Community Reviews
SheReadsALot...seriously. rated it 10 years ago
3.8 Hearts to be exact rounded up!Anthologies like this one don't come around very often, all fantasy based, D/s, MM. I was in heaven. I am seeing the light of a subby, slave boy. (*coughs*Breann*coughs*) What's anthology without hits and misses, luckily I found only one dud within the bunch. From c...
The Novel Approach Reviews
The Novel Approach Reviews rated it 11 years ago
I quickly snatched this anthology up to review. I personally like darker stories, so when I saw this contained non or dubious consent stories, I was all over it. I was also interested to see how each author would handle this theme and in which direction and level they would take it to.See the entire...
La Crimson Femme
La Crimson Femme rated it 11 years ago
If a contract is too good to be true, then it probably contains a hidden catch. Connor learns this the hard way.Connor is a guy who possesses little skill sets to make it in life. He doesn't have a good education and very little marketable skills. He's the below average Joe working on commission and...
No Glitter Blown
No Glitter Blown rated it 11 years ago
Not for the mildly curious. Connor is out of options. Taking what he thinks is a goodwill offer, not charity and finds out that he really should read the fine print. The too good to be true warning bells should have been going off madly--but sometimes we just ignore them. Jarrett does more than take...
BarbsBooks rated it 11 years ago
3 Stars This is hard to review. The writing was fine. The premise was interesting. But neither guy appealed to me or seemed believable. I know it was a short story and it is hard to be invested in characters that you barely meet. But still. For me it just didn't click.Connor works in a call center t...
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