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video 2015-06-22 11:07
Post Office - Charles Bukowski

I like Charles Bukowski for his rudeness and deep honesty. 


I wrote crap for my own pressure. It is like dancing. Not many people could be a dancer, but we could all dance badly for our pleasure. 


I wrote things as a form of humor, or as an form of expression that it hard for me to find another channel to express. But it is never for profit or getting attention from others. Too many books should never made into publication as it is worth less than the papers it was pressed on. 


Save the tree.


But writing is something else. Somehow it is a fun to let thoughts jumped out of you, in a moment that you captured these thoughts and put them into words, with no particular audience in mind. Just words, thoughts that go unnoticed unless they were caught and nailed down by ink. 


So many people should be readers, and not writers. Oh well. It is an experiment. And someone who shouldn't got published, got rich from doing so. Crap books are everywhere. Maybe it is good as evidence of a stupid generation of humans for archaeologists of the future, or cultural studies or history.



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video 2015-01-22 13:29
Private Vegas - Maxine Paetro,James Patterson

James Patterson’s new book set to self-destruct


Article link here


I've never read anything by James Patterson but he has some innovative ideas about how to sell books. If you don't have the $294,038 needed to buy the edition of Private Vegas that you can then watch being destroyed by a SWAT team you can instead have 24 hours to read the novel for free with a special self-destructing app--each page disappears as soon as you finish it.


The article about it that I've linked is by Ron Charles of the Washington Post--one of the most energetic and entertaining professional book reviewers around. He has an absolutely wonderful hilarious SHADES OF GREY video on YouTube.  http://youtu.be/Hqy8zAdfNEU 



Source: jaylia3.booklikes.com/post/1093046/post
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review 2014-12-28 15:23
Nicholas Nickleby - Charles Dickens,Mark Ford

I dislike Dickens. His books are popular and it is usually about persons who act out cruelly against the poor and the powerless.


As in any story world, the poor and the powerless get their strength for being good and then overcome the cruelty act from other people. 


That's don't happen in real life. Most people are indifference. Some are cruel but not that obvious. And even if strong in characters, without luck, poor people continue to suffer. 


No. I dislike this book, the story,  but the cast of this version of the movie is pretty good. 


OK. It wasn't that bad. But really couldn't stand bad persons act out cruelty without much motivation. 



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review 2014-07-01 10:36
Hypermodern Times - Gilles Lipovetski,Andrew Brown,Sebastein Charles

"The hypercontemporary individual is more autonomous but also more fragile than ever, in proportion as the promises and demands that define him become ever vaster and more massive. Freedom, comfort, quality of life and higher life expectations do not blunt the tragedy of existence; they merely make its scandal crueller." 

This week's book is Hypermodern Times by Gilles Lipovetsky. Do you recognize yourself as a hypermodern individual?

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