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text 2015-10-12 21:37
Bloggers wanted for release day launch for Dirty Dates: Erotic Fantasies for Couples

Below is the cover of my new anthology of BDSM erotica, Dirty Dates: Erotic Fantasies for Couples. The pub date is November 10th, 2015...which is also my 40th birthday! To celebrate both of these occasions, I'm having bloggers share the cover and news of the book's release on November 10th. 

Where do you come in? If you're a blogger and would like a copy of the book and to be part of the release day launch, just enter your contact information on this form I made by October 20th. You'll get a copy of the book and posting instructions. If you're interested in a giveaway or posting an excerpt, that can be arranged too. Questions? Email me at dirtydatesbook at gmail.com


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review 2014-05-24 04:23
Review: Best Erotic Romance 2014, ed. Kristina Wright
Best Erotic Romance 2014 - Kristina Wright,Lauren Dane,Nikki Magennis,Victoria Blisse,Annabeth Leong,Emerald,Laila Blake,Crystal Jordan,Jeanette Grey,D.R. Slaten,Catherine Paulssen,Giselle Renarde,Tamsin Flowers,Anja Vikarma,A.M. Hartnett,Lucy Felthouse,Kelly Maher

A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for an honest review at Night Owl Reviews. The full text of the review can be found there.

One of the things Cleis Press does best is their yearly anthologies of short erotic stories, usually pegged to a specific theme or conceit. So with Best Erotic Romance 2014, I knew there would be some wonderful sexy times between couples who truly love each other, and that’s exactly what I found.

Source: www.goodreads.com/review/show/899274947
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