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text 2015-10-12 21:37
Bloggers wanted for release day launch for Dirty Dates: Erotic Fantasies for Couples

Below is the cover of my new anthology of BDSM erotica, Dirty Dates: Erotic Fantasies for Couples. The pub date is November 10th, 2015...which is also my 40th birthday! To celebrate both of these occasions, I'm having bloggers share the cover and news of the book's release on November 10th. 

Where do you come in? If you're a blogger and would like a copy of the book and to be part of the release day launch, just enter your contact information on this form I made by October 20th. You'll get a copy of the book and posting instructions. If you're interested in a giveaway or posting an excerpt, that can be arranged too. Questions? Email me at dirtydatesbook at gmail.com


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review 2015-02-01 00:00
Sex and Cupcakes: A Juicy Collection of Essays
Sex and Cupcakes: A Juicy Collection of Essays - Rachel Kramer Bussel,Thought Catalog Rachel Kramer Bussel’s collection of nine essays features some of her best commentary while also examining our sexual culture. Pieces such as “I’m Pro-Choice and I Fuck” and “Monogamishmash,” among others, are thoughtful explorations of what our labels mean, and perhaps more importantly, what they don’t mean, while also sharing personal anecdotes and revelations in a relatable and engaging way. My personal favorites were “I Have Trouble with Orgasms” and “Sex and Cupcakes”; the former is a smart, important read for most women regarding the “lacking” some are made to feel with such a common experience, while the latter is a beautiful, revealing, and balanced memoir exploring the relationship between her two sides (erotica writer and cupcake blogger). I also particularly enjoyed her comments on society’s tendency towards slut-shaming in the name of feminism, while still condemning those who choose to speak their erotic truths—a topic that prevailed in this latter piece.

The joy of Ms. Bussel’s writing is that she doesn’t express opinions and jam them into her readers’ minds. Instead, she welcomes other desires, styles and kinks in her examination of the topics at hand. Her openness reminds readers that in exploring our own sexuality, there is no need to push our wants and desires onto others—and this openness is the primary reason her essays hold so much intrigue.

I highly recommend this collection!
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text 2014-10-22 13:18
My essay collection ebook Sex & Cupcakes is out!

After 10 years and over 50 anthologies edited, I've finally written a book of my own! It's a collection of classic and brand new essays called Sex & Cupcakes published by Thought Catalog Books - the title essay is a bit of a mini memoir of how I went from law school dropout to sex columnist and erotica writer/editor/cupcake blogger, and other new essays include "Wearing My Tattooed Heart On My Sleeve," about my heart tattoo, along with the self-explanatory "My Boyfriend's Fat," my utopian sex fantasies in "Champagne Sex" and my issues with monogamy in "Monogamishmash." It's on sale for $4.99 on Kindle (also available at Kindle UK) and I'm so excited about it. Stay turned for the New York book party! Oh, and I'm on the cover! With cupcakes, of course.

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review 2014-08-03 00:00
The Big Book of Submission: 69 Kinky Tales
The Big Book of Submission: 69 Kinky Tales - Corvidae,Alva Rose,Laurel Isaac,Ginger F.,Marie Rebelle,Kitten Boheme,Lady Lucretia,Corrine Arundo,Roger Markson,Inara Serene,Kathleen Delaney-Adams,Alyssa Morris,Joy Faolán,Regina Lafayette,L.C. Spoering,Jade A. Waters,Tilly Hunter,Laila Blake,Erzabet Bi This book is so jammed packed with sexy stories, I don’t even know where to start. The Big Book of Submission is sure to have something for everyone. Little stories to get you going. The stories are so varied in their players but they all have submission in common. Sitting down to read this book, I admit I had to stop more than a few times. I had a bit of submission overload. This book was too descriptive, too many of my buttons were pushed. It was too fucking hot, as if that is a bad thing. I can’t go through each story and give you a sample. I can’t even pick a top ten. I want to give you an idea of what this book contains.

I loved this sampling of authors. One of the great things I love about an anthology is that I can read new authors, (new to me at least) and get a sample of their style. Some stories I found myself loving were by authors I had never heard of, but now I can look for other books by them. These stories cut right to the chase. They are only one scene, one example, or one day in the life of the submissive. They are first person from the subs point of view or the Dom, or third person watching. They are all on point of what great submissive stories should be.

I gave this book 5/5 stars. There were just a few stories that weren’t a complete turn on for me, but they were far and few between. Just get this book. You will not be disappointed.
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review 2014-07-18 00:00
Can't Get Enough: Erotica for Women
Can't Get Enough: Erotica for Women - Rachel Kramer Bussel,Tenille Brown,Jacqueline Applebee,Giselle Renarde,Monica Corwin,Erzabet Bishop,Beatrix Ellroy Sexy summer fun fill this anthology about gotta have it now encounters. There are strangers, old friends, and new lovers in this book. Every story in Can’t Get Enough is intense sex. Tenille Brown picked out 27 brilliant stories to delight the reader.

Every story in this book is devilishly good. I was hooked on this anthology right away with Meil Rose’s Big Appetites. Each story is unique in that it is all about wanting sex right now. These characters can’t wait, really. Stories like this cut right to the chase and leave me satisfied. I took my time reading this book although I could have finished it in one day. I ended up picking a few favorites, but then a few more and one more till I can’t really decide which stories to tell you about. This book contains f/f, m/m, m/f, BDSM, sex toys, and a surprise story at the end by Annabeth Leong that really sums up what Can’t Get Enough can really mean.

I really enjoyed the variety and the improvisation of these stories. This book is full of erotica that will appeal to those who don’t want drawn out drama. There is just enough about the back story so that we get right to the good part, or parts as it is. I highly recommend this collection. Tenille Brown is an editor/author I am going to have to watch out for. Her story Famous Last Words, is a hot tale of breakup sex. She knows how to pick great erotica. Can’t Get Enough is 5 star collection.
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