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text 2015-12-25 18:51
Book-worm Goals For 2016

This year I've decided not to be too harsh on myself, so I'm only setting one simple bookish goal for 2016 and it is the following:


To read everything that I have downloaded. I have 50 titles that I haven't read yet, so I want to finish them this year. 


I have a tendency to get distracted easily, so this year my goal is to have direction, maintain focus, and reach a level of clarity. If I can do this with literature, I feel I will be able to apply this habit to life as well.

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text 2015-12-18 16:50
2015: A Year In Review (My Thoughts)

Every year towards the end, I try to take some time and reflect on the year that has passed, as well as, make some plans for the following year. So here it is:




This year was tough, I'm not going to lie. Reading, writing, art and music saved me from myself. I'm proud of myself for taking the time to heal---my mind, body, and spirit. (I danced, read, traveled, and learned meditation techniques that have helped with my anxiety and depression) Reconnection was the theme of this year and I feel more whole and productive at years end then at the beginning, so that is good, and I want to keep that going in 2016. 


I also made an executive life decision, and am leaving two out of my three jobs at the end of this year. I'm hoping by making room, something more positive can find it's way in; something I care and feel passionate about. 


I've also been getting over my fear of driving, by getting behind the wheel again. It still gives me anxiety, I'm not going to lie, but if I want to be able to get out on my own, I have to find the courage to conquer this lingering fear. However, I have noticed that more and more drivers are distracted, which scares the crap out of me. Whatever you're doing isn't important and can wait until you get to your destination. I feel like an old lady behind the wheel, mean mugging my way to my destination, with my hands at three and six. I'm hoping I will get better and more relaxed with practice.




The theme of this coming year is 'Care-er'  which means to me to keep practicing self-care and take the time to find a career that fits my talents and personality as a carer. It also means that I need to take the time to declutter myself of habits that don't work for me any more and create new habits that suit me better. 


I have no illusions that 2016 will be another difficult year, but I'm hoping to emerge better than before.


Wishing you all a very happy holiday season and nothing but health and happiness in 2016!


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photo 2015-11-20 00:43
New Orleans was so much fun! Good times and cheers to old and new friends!
NaNoWrimo has been interesting this year. I started with one idea and then it morphed into something totally different. This just might be the year I finish something! I hope I didn't just jinx myself.
My friend Tati is hosting, but I will be reading some original poetry, along with other fantastic artists, writers, and musicians! We will have literary cocktails and beer available (21+) Please bring any size coat and/or sweater for donation @OneWarmCoat. Many thanks to #Onesavvyveteran and #berwynvfwpost for making this night amazing already! Now we just need you. See you then!

Holy Snikes, Batman! 


October and now November I have been living in the messy middle, so I just wanted to give you a life update. I hope you enjoyed

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photo 2015-10-12 02:39
Patti Smith's signature inside my copy of M Train from tonight's event
M Train - Patti Smith

Tonight's event was amazing! Patti Smith is a no frills, down to earth, authentically cool person. She read from M Train (which means Mind Train), signed ticket holders copies, answered people's questions, sang 'Because The Night' with her son on acoustic guitar, but most importantly she gave me hope in the creative process again. She said:


"Create because you have to."






"The blurbs I write for others are because I liked the book, not because I know the author."






"(Laughter) symbolism."


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photo 2014-10-08 23:41
Tonight this happens! Can't wait :)
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