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review 2016-08-31 01:50
Infomocracy - Malka Older

The world has evolved where we have distributed governments based on population densities of 100K called Centenals. In large cities you may only need to walk a block to change governments.


Elections are held once every 10 years and it's election time. And someone is trying to manipulate the outcome.


As a political thriller it's 3-stars. From a technical perspective a four star. The future created here is not dystopian. It is just very different. The divisions of cities into micro-governments is interesting and similar to the set up in "The City & the City" by China Mieville. But with open borders.


At it's heart the book is about big data. Ms. Older created an all 'data'-encompassing agency called Information. They are responsible for managing the elections and managing all content for everyone. This is not an 'evil' organization but one that has access to all the data. In the world. And it is the data that the answers to the questions reside.

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review 2016-07-23 14:13
Company Town - Madeline Ashby

A fun read.  I am partial to cyber-punk and this fit the bill.  Ms. Ashby's focus is on implants and genetic modifications.  After that this is just a standard mystery/thriller with an pretty good ending.

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review 2016-06-03 01:24
Cumulus - Eliot Peper

A good summer read; more novella than novel. In fact, it would have been better and more suspenseful longer.


I liked the characters and would have enjoyed getting to know them better. This book was edited down to the bare bones.


As a cyber-thriller, not so much. Just because one of the protagonist's is the CEO of a tech company like Google does not make it a techno-thriller.

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review 2016-01-17 15:37
Zer0es: A Novel - Chuck Wendig

I guess after terrorists the other 'bad guy' for thrillers is AI (Artificial Intelligence).  Mr. Wendig's "Zer0es" follows a formula but is fun to read. A bit over the top and no real surprises.  Unfortunately I read this too close after reading the 'Nexus' trilogy which is very similar and I was tired of the sub-genre.

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review 2015-11-25 15:54
Apex - Ramez Naam

The 'Nexus Trilogy' is overall very entertaining. I enjoy techno/cyber thrillers more than straight up science fiction. However, by the third book things got away from Mr. Naam and I just wanted the ending. Too many almost endings as the antagonist gets away again.

That said, final resolution was satisfactory and many of the social issues of the 'singularity' were well presented.

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