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text 2022-03-01 17:12
How A Garage Door Screen Can Benefit Your Home

Garage door screens are becoming a popular option for homes across the country. Garage door screens are made of a mesh fabric that is stretched over a metal frame. The screen can be installed on an existing garage door or on a new garage door. Garage door screens Lexington KY provide a number of benefits that can make your life easier. Here are five reasons why you should consider adding a garage door screen to your home.

Garage Door Screens Keep The Bugs Out

One of the biggest benefits of a garage door screen Lexington KY is that it can keep bugs out, like mosquitoes and flies, from entering your garage. They are an easy way to keep the bugs out and allow you to enjoy the fresh air without having to worry about the pests. Most screens are made of a durable mesh that is easy to install and can be taken down when not in use.  This is especially important in the summer months when insects are at their peak. Garage door screens also protect against thieves. By preventing access to the garage, homeowners can make it more difficult for thieves to break into their home.

Increased Privacy

Garage door screens can increase privacy for your home. They provide a shield between the inside of your garage and the outside world. This can be helpful if you want to change clothes or if you have a workshop in your garage and don't want people to see what you're working on.

Reduced Insect Infestation

Garage door screens are an important addition to any home, as they can help reduce the amount of insect infestation. Insects are known for being able to get into even the smallest spaces, so it is important to have a garage door screen in place to keep them out. Garage door screens reduce the number of insects that can get into your home, so you can enjoy the outdoors without having to worry about getting bit.

Improved Air Quality

Poor indoor air quality can cause a number of health problems, including respiratory issues, allergies, and asthma. In addition, it can also lead to an increase in the number of insects and other pests in buildings. Recent studies have shown that improving air quality can help reduce the number of insects and pests in buildings. This is likely due to the fact that improved air quality makes buildings less hospitable to these pests. Improving air quality is therefore a good way to reduce the risk of insect infestation in buildings. Garage door screens keep out insects, dust, and other debris while allowing fresh air in. This can help improve air quality by keeping allergens and pollutants out of your home.

Increased Security

As a homeowner, you want to do everything you can to keep your family safe and secure. One way to do this is to install a garage door screen.  A garage door screen is an easy way to improve your home’s security. It is a simple addition that can make a big difference. Not only will it keep out intruders, but it will also deter potential burglars from targeting your home.

Keep The Garage Cooler

Most people think that garage door screens are just for keeping bugs out, but they can also be used to help keep in the cold air during the winter months. This is a great way to save on your energy bills, as you will not have to run your heater as often. A garage door screen Lexington KY is are also a great way to keep the sun out during the summer months, which can help keep your home cooler.

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text 2020-08-20 13:21
What To Consider When Choosing A Screen For The Garage Door

Garage doors are essential if you want your car to stay safe once you get home. However, all is well and amazing until the summer. This season, you are sure to find a large number of homeowners complaining about the increased heat in the garage. Hence, most people will definitely open their garage doors. While this may result in some reprieve, you are leaving your car at risk of accident or damage. In addition, you will definitely find that your garage is much more prone to dust as dirt is sure to keep blowing inside.


This concern is the reason for garage door screen renovation. The garage door screen Lexington ky has actually become a great solution for many homeowners as they no longer have to deal with insects that inevitably enter your garage during hot summer hours. With this system, you can enjoy and relax knowing that your garage is well maintained all year round. When you buy these screens, you are sure to find that most garage door suppliers offer them too. Apart from that, you can browse many websites with different styles available. In order to choose the best garage door screen for your home, you need to consider a few things.


  1. Measure your door. This is important to make sure you get the right look. If you plan to order your garage door screen Lexington ky online, you need to make sure that the dimensions are correct. If you can't properly fix the door yourself, get help so you can make sure you don't take the wrong measurements.


  1. Choose whether you want the experts to set it up for you or if you want to do it yourself: With the look on the garage door, you have the option of acquiring or buying it, then returning it and building it. It's always a good idea to define this from scratch to make sure you don't get it for your display just to do it yourself, while you have no concept of how to do it. The approved do-it-yourself package is sure to come with all the tools you need. However, that doesn't mean you can install them properly. If you are not familiar with tools and services for repair, then it is best to put a prefabricated door on the screen, use the services of a specialized expert and let them install it for you.


If you have a flexible budget, you can also add screens for the garage door. This will make your garage more functional for a long time. With garage screens, you get the protection and privacy you need while you enjoy the fresh air while working in your garage. You can also combine these doors with wooden or aluminum doors.


Contact a door specialist in your local garage for the best available alternative to suit your budget and needs. Choosing the right combination may not be a hard task, but more research and time before making your choice can help you evaluate the options offered and use the best equipment available for your budget plan. Additionally, professionals usually have access to price reductions and special prices.


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